Sunday, September 26, 2010

Good and Simple

Around 6 pm I decided to walk over the beach. Most of my beach time is mid-afternoon because I like the sun. Late afternoon around here we are usually talking and cooking and playing with Seal, so I haven’t often thought about watching the sunset on the west coast of Africa.

If ever I made a good decision, this was it. It was tranquil. That time of day when we sit and wait for nightfall. Like me, others were on the cliffs above the sea, just looking and waiting for the sun to drop below the horizon. The sky was clear, except for a few high, light scattered clouds. The surf was perfect for the 15 board riders who were taking advantage of 20 foot waves. The rapidly approaching sunset was reflecting on the ocean, wrapping everything in golden light. The evening breezes were light and steady and refreshing. The only sounds were waves crashing and sea birds calling.

It was easy to be content, even knowing that I will be leaving in six days.

1 comment:

  1. the vision of you sitting, enjoying, feeling contentment. You will be missed there. But you will be jubilantly welcomed back home!!
