I arrived in Basel exhausted by the 24 hours of travel from Dakar, an overnight flight followed by six hours of waiting for my train to Basel, followed by a seven-hour train ride from Brussels. But the immediately joy of Angelo and Stefan’s welcome erased all fatigue…or maybe it was Angelo’s fantastic Sicilian-style dinner. Whatever the source of the renewal, it was delightful. We stayed up talking until 1 a.m.
A restful night, a late rise, a wonderful breakfast of bread and jam and coffee, followed by a long stroll with Stefan on a bright, warm, autumnal Sunday…this was a perfect day that got even better as friends arrived late in the day for conversation and work. Yes, work! We undertook the planning for a business conference that will occur next June in Rome during EuroPride. After three hours of work, we enjoyed another Angelo-inspired Italian feast and and then retired.
Now, I’m sitting and looking out the window at the beautiful Rhine River, thinking about this rich fabric of friendship that connects me to friends in so many parts of the world.
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