Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day One: On Awakening

Two sounds: surf and Seal.

No, not the barking of seals, the sound of 15-month-old Seal, babbling, cooing and singing to himself. No seals, although we do have some livestock of the quieter turtle and bunny variety.

Meditated about my welcome into Nathalie and Paul's home, about my desire to support the Hospital of Hope, and then I jumped into the day with a big hot cup of Nescafe! Allow me to use my limited French...mon dieu...Nescafe, after 35 years of fresh ground French Roast beans and the strongest coffee on the Upper West Side. It's a small adjustment, really. Remember, I woke to the sound of the Atlantic crashing on the black rock beach outside my window.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you get to be grateful just for being able to boil water even!
