Friday, May 7, 2010

Day 23: Breakthroughs

Today, I want to share news about the hospital.

This afternoon, we met Mayor Mar Douf and Assistant Mayor Mamadou Gueye of Bargny. It was a breakthrough. Even without a perfect understanding of the rapid-fire French that characterized the meeting, I could discern that the hospital has been the subject of some political play. Exactly what, no one was saying. But one thing was absolutely clear: the mayor really likes the hospital project, so much that he offered a new—and apparently better--tract of land, much more centrally located within town. After Nathalie’s compelling presentation that included an overview of the need, the services and the progress we’ve made in fundraising, what politician wouldn’t jump on this band wagon?

We also had an engaging and exciting discussion with the executive director and senior staff at Trust Africa, a foundation that seeks to strengthen African democracies, business enterprises and resources for development. What makes Trust Africa different is that it’s the only nonprofit working to build Africa that is actually led by Africans. It’s connected to the most powerful funders in the world. Although Trust Africa’s objectives don’t presently focus on health projects, the team’s response to the Hospital of Hope was nothing but positive and energetic. They not only liked the values that support the hospital, but also the way we want to work within the community of Bargny. We left the meeting with new allies, with connections to governmental and philanthropic funders and with the promise of ongoing support and collaboration for our efforts to build programs aligned to Trust Africa’s objectives.

It was a very good day for the Hospital of Hope.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great day! Congrats on moving forward.
